Some residents may think that the digital billboard problem has gone away — The BAN the Digital Billboard campaign may have lost over 100 yard signs to theft but the battle is far from over! Now is the time for your voice to be heard — the future of Paoli depends on it!
You may recall that Catalyst Outdoor Advertising filed two applications in December with Tredyffrin Township – (1) a demolition permit application for the Clockworks building and (2) an application to switch the face of the small billboard (located next to the Clockworks building) to a digital one. Tredyffrin Township denied both of these applications. The demolition permit was denied citing an “incomplete application” – the application was missing the signature of Dale Nelson, the property owner.
The other application submitted by Catalyst was for an “electric lamp changeable copy face” for the existing small free standing advertising sign next to the Clockworks building. There is an existing 30-year lease on the small sign between Catalyst and Dale Nelson.
In January, Matt Baumann, Tredyffrin’s Zoning Officer sent Thaddeus Bartkowski a letter denying Catalyst’s application to digitize the current sign on the Clockworks site. On February 22, Bartkowski filed an appeal to appear in front of the Tredyffrin Township Zoning Hearing Board. Catalyst paid $2,000 to appeal the decision of the Zoning Officer and $10,000 to challenge the validity of the township’s zoning ordinance.
On Thursday, April 25, 7 PM at the Tredyffrin Township building, Catalyst will appear in front of the township’s Zoning Hearing Board.
For months, residents have asked me what they can do about the proposed digital billboard – now is the time to help! Keene Hall at the township building must be standing room only on April 25. Folks, if Catalyst wins this appeal, it will forever change the intersection of Lancaster Ave and Rt. 252.
Important: Digitizing the current sign on the Clockworks property is a precursor to Catalyst’s next step, which is to demolish the Clockworks building and erect two large 20-ft. digital billboards with a reflecting pool in the middle of Paoli.
Important: If Catalyst wins their appeal on April 25, the other two billboards in Tredyffrin Township (Rt. 252/Bear Hill Road and Lancaster Ave across from the BMW dealership) are at imminent risk for digitizing.
Please put Thursday, April 25, 7 PM on your calendar and plan to attend this critical meeting! Tell Your Friends, Tell Your Neighbors!
Your Voice Matters Now — the Future of Paoli Depends on it!
I have seen firsthand the monstrosity that Catalyst puts in communities. Visiting with family yesterday in Bucks County, I saw it, the stories high sign that is in place is horrific. It’s a monument to bad ideals and corporate greed. I was so disappointed that the area I grew up in looks like this.
Pattye, if you haven’t seen it in person yourself, I encourage you and your readers to take a look at it.
Thanks so much for bringing awareness to this issue. We do not want Catalyst putting up signage, especially since the township sees no return of the revenue.
Agree and hope that the community comes out en masse on Thursday, April 25, 7 PM at the township building. Residents need to send an extremely loud message to the Zoning Hearing Board that we do NOT want the digital billboard!
I’ll be there April 25th.
Thank-you Pattye.
Good for you community members trying to fight the huge Catalyst Sign. We live across from this gigantic distraction, surrounded by a moat of water and fountains (Concord Township) of all things and fear for all the thousands passing this gigantic distraction with the bright lights and glaring messages going on all day and late at night. The decision was not made in our township but all who travel on the busy US Route 202 hase to pass this while traveling
North or South through Chadds Ford Township. Good luck and stay strong! fb #ChaddsFordNeighborsAgainstMoreTraffic
Carolyn, I am so sorry! It is remarkable that actually used photos of their Rt. 202 sign in their presentation at the Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors meeting — viewing this as something the residents would want to see in Paoli at the Rts 30/252 intersection. Somehow calling the two giant billboards a ‘Memorial” sign with its stonework and reflecting pool was supposed to make us want it! As a neighbor of to Catalyst’s Rt. 202 sign, your first-hand account is invaluable — thank you for sharing it!
As School Board Director in the top rated Unionville Chadsford School District, can you give some insight on what you think about the way our Business Manager and Board are conducting themselves through the budget process. How does it compare to the way your Board of Directors operates? Former UCF Director Keith Knauss has stated your Business Manager is more transparent.
Thank-you and good to know other Board members from around the area read Community Matters.
The Supervisors will sit up and take notice of a large, animated crowd. They like the perks and power the special interests give them, but when push comes to shove they want to stay in office. That is threatened if they anger too many voters, so it is critical to get a very large and vocal group to the meeting. Bring your family and friends. I will.
Tom McCarey
Who could be possibly be so worked up by the residents opposition that they would run around stealing over 100 signs!! I can’t imaging there are any residents who are for the digital billboard so the thefts, esp with the risk of being caught stealing them ,is a bit perplexing.
Agree that it’s perplexing. Sadly, a tremendous amount of police and resident’s time was spent on trying to track down the thief(s). More BAN signs will be appearing over the next 10 days but the thief(s) should be aware we’re watching!
Keep it up Pattye!
It’s very important to remember to go to the Zoning Board hearing meeting April 25th at 7!!!!