A couple of announcements in the Supervisors Agenda for Monday, 12/6 caught my attention. Here they are:
The Township has scheduled a public meeting for the SR 252/AMTRAK Grade Crossing (Bridge/Intersection) Project. The meeting will be held on December 8 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Delaware Valley Friends School Auditorium on East Central Avenue in Paoli.
With the recent election of Mr. Kampf to the PA General Assembly, the Board of Supervisors anticipates a vacancy in the near future. We would request that all interested citizens wishing to be considered to fill the unexpired term created by this prospective vacancy submit their resumes to the Township to the attention of Ms. Mimi Gleason. We would ask that all interested parties submit their resumes no later than December 31. The formal process under the Home Rule Charter for filling a vacancy will not occur until the time of the actual vacancy.
I thought it would be good to look up the exact wording from Tredyffrin Township’s Home Rule of Charter. Here is the applicable information relating to vacancies on the Board of Supervisors:
A. The office of a Supervisor shall become vacant upon death, resignation, removal of place of residence from the Township (or, in the case of a District Supervisor, from a District represented), legal certification of mental disability, or forfeiture of office as authorized by law or this Charter.
B. The office of Supervisor shall be forfeited if he is declared by any Court of this Commonwealth to lack any qualifications for the office as prescribed by law or is convicted of any crime classified as a misdemeanor of the second degree or higher under the laws of this Commonwealth, or is convicted of any comparable crime under the laws of any state or of the United States.
C. Whenever a vacancy exists in the office of Supervisor, the vacancy shall be filled under the following procedures:
1. At the next election, primary, municipal or general, which takes place sixty days or more after such vacancy occurs, a special election to fill the vacancy for the balance of the unexpired term will be held. The special election shall be conducted in accordance with election laws of this Commonwealth. The person elected to fill the vacancy shall assume the office on the day following certification of the election results.
2. The Board shall, at its first regular or special public meeting after the vacancy occurs, give notice that a vacancy exists and shall state that it will make an interim appointment to fill the vacancy at its next public meeting which occurs not less that thirty days from the meeting at which the vacancy is announced. Following such notice, the Board by a majority vote of its remaining membership shall appoint a qualified elector of the Township, and in the case of a vacancy in the office of District Supervisor, a qualified elector of the District in which the vacancy exists, to fill the vacancy until a duly elected successor is sworn into office.
3. If the Board shall fail to fill a vacancy within sixty days after the vacancy occurs, the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, upon petition of any individual Supervisor, or upon petition of ten or more qualified electors of the Township, shall make the interim appointment to fill the vacancy until a duly elected successor is sworn into office.
4. In the event that sufficient vacancies exist so that the Board lacks a quorum necessary to do business, the remaining members of the Board shall immediately make an interim appointment or appointments to fill sufficient vacancies in the position of Supervisor from the Township at large to form a quorum. Thereafter, the remaining vacancies shall be filled as otherwise provided herein.
5. In the event that all of the positions on the Board should become vacant, the Court of Common Pleas shall immediately, upon petition of ten or more registered voters of the Township, make interim appointments to fill the offices of Supervisor from the Township at large. Thereafter, the remaining vacancies shall be filled as otherwise provided herein.