Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Judy DiFilippo . . . Leading by example to make Tredyffrin a better place!

Reminder: Gazebo Dedication Today @ 3 PM — Please attend as Judy is honored!

‘Leading by example to make Tredyffrin a better place’ describes former township supervisor Judy DiFilippo and are the words chosen as the inscription for the gazebo to be named in her honor, at Wilson Farm Park. The dedication and reception will take place this Sunday, 3 PM at Wilson Farm Park. This special recognition is to honor Judy’s work in creating Wilson Farm Park and also to thank her in a very small way for her 20 years of public service to the township as a supervisor.

My friendship spans 20+ years with Judy and I cannot imagine a more deserving person for this honor. She may have retired from the Board of Supervisors, but her volunteer efforts continue . . . Judy is on the board of the Tredyffrin Historic Preservation Trust and is helping raise the necessary remaining funds for the rebuilding of the Jones Log Barn at DuPortail. Together, she and I will be again co-chair In the Mood, the Trust’s annual fundraiser (Friday, October 22).

I hope that you will take a break from your summer activities and join me at Wilson Farm Park on Sunday afternoon to celebrate a very special person — my friend . . . Judy DiFilippo!

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  1. I admired her service as township Supervisor and as the Chair – she truly understood that she was elected to serve ALL of Tredyffrin’s citizens.

    I had watched the televised meetings for quite some time and I had no idea what her political affiliation was until my husband told me – she never seemed to be pushing her own personal or party agenda. That certainly can’t be said about some of the current Supervisors, can it?

    Job well done, Judy!

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