Based on the success of last year’s Paoli Blues Fest, the committee decided to move ahead and make the free community event an annual event. We have scheduled the 2nd Annual Paoli Blues Fest for Saturday, October 2 and the volunteers have been busy lining up blues bands, sponsors, street fair vendors, etc. The board of directors of the Paoli Blues Fest applied for, and the IRS recently awarded us with 501(c)3 status which makes all donations tax-deductible as the law permits.
Last year, 5000+ people from Paoli and beyond attended the blues festival and this year we are expecting the 2nd annual event to far exceed that number. As you can imagine, the budget for a major community event is not without expenses. While we are grateful to the many sponsors, including Paoli Hospital, Paoli Hardware, Penn Liberty Bank, Malvern Federal Bank, to name but a few, we decided a summer Paoli Sings the Blues fundraiser would help kick-off the Paoli Blues Fest and help us raise funds for the free blues fest in October.
The Paoli Sings the Blues fundraiser is scheduled for July 30th and will be held at the historic Royer-Greaves School on N. Valley Road in Paoli. The event will provide a wonderful preview night of blues music with PokerFace, finger-lickin barbeque, silent auction and lots of fun and laughter. Visit for information about the fundraiser and the 2nd Annual Paoli Blues Fest. Tickets for the fundraiser can be ordered online or click here for thePaoli Sings the Blues Fundraiser Ticker Order Form.
Co-chairing the Paoli Sings the Blues fundraiser and the 2nd Annual Paoli Blues Fest with Marie Thibault – we understand the success of any event is about the volunteers and we thank them. We appeal to you to help us – help the community – by purchasing a ticket to the fundraiser. We also need volunteers for the fundraiser and many, many volunteers for the blues fest in October. If you would like to join the Paoli Blues Fest Committee, help with the fundraiser or if you have any questions, please contact me at On behalf of the Paoli Blues Fest committee, thank you for your support!
Sounds like a great event. I’m sure Pattye would appreciate the support of those on Community Matters – even if you are unable to be there, I’m sure the Blues Fest would accept your contribution!