Pattye Benson

Community Matters

My Obsession With Wegmans at Worthington Soon to be Recognized . . . Grand Opening Set for July 18!

After much delay, I am excited to report that the waiting for the opening of the new Wegmans at Worthington will soon be over. Wegmans has scheduled their grand opening for Sunday, July 18, 7 AM. To see the complete announcement from Wegmans, click here. The Wegmans grand opening announcement is creative with a video and a ticking countdown clock — 39 days, 18 hours, 48 min. & 20 sec. as I write this post. Free gifts available if you sign up for a Wegmans card before July 17!

In looking at the floor plan online I noted some unusual marketing — Wegmans lists Timber, Alcove and Conference rooms next to the Market Cafe & Pub as available for meetings. Now isn’t that an out-of-the-box idea for a grocery store — you can use the conference room for your meeting and have beer/wine from the Pub and lunch from Market Cafe. Their Beverage & Beer Center is indicating that they will have 700 imported and regional beers for sale. Their Deli is touting 300 specialty cheeses from all over the world. Wegmans is also offering free WiFi — nothing like keeping you in the store, you know the longer the shopper is in the store, the more likely they are to continue to spend money!

Besides my personal obsession with Wegmans, I am excited to see positive economic growth in our community. It looks like the Worthington Target may also be close to opening; last update I heard was July 2010.

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  1. looks like they are back working at the old Upper Merion Golf Course too.. you will be happy to be sandwiched by 2 Wegmans within a couple of miles..

  2. Not related, but a Super WAWA is coming across from the Berwyn Fire Department. Did you hear about this Pattye?

      1. I assume by “super Wawa” it includes gas. I don’t think there’s sufficient lot size to put one there. I have been looking to Wawa to put one in our area. A great location would be the Wachovia/Anro site on Lancaster Avenue or what about the vacant Bay Colony lot (corner of Old Eagle & Swedesford Roads) – might need zoning relief.

        Can’t believe after all these years, Wawa can’t find property localy – especially when you look at the routes 1 & 202 area going west from Media & north to West Chester.

  3. the proposed Berwyn wawa has not even made it to the planning commission meeting or zoning hearing as of yet.

    1. This will increase traffic in an already congested area. Surrey Services, the Spa Car Wash, the Fire Company, etc. are all within a block of each other in that section of Berwyn. I am sure the residents and local restaurants along the 30 corridor near the proposed site will have plenty to say about this. Easttown could certainly use the transfer tax though.

      Any information on when the planning commission meeting is CJ? Is this gas and a store or just a store?

  4. Wegman’s is a great chain of stores — I go the one off 422 and 29.

    But to consider yet one more grocery store as “economic growth” is just a bit far-fetched.

    Or do you think it’s creating food shopping opportunities for people who have looked at the new store and have just decided to start eating?

    1. I don’t think its far-fetched to suggest that the opening of Wegmans will brings a sign of some much-needed economic growth. It’s been quite some time since a retail employer of this size moved in to the neighborhood. The creation of the many jobs that will be required by Wegmans (and Target, also about ready to open in Worthington) is significant to the community. I’m not suggesting that these employers can fix all our economic woes, but their opening does present significant job opportunities and a glimmer of hope for some of the unemployed in the area.

      1. Perhaps the closure of Genaurdi’s in Chesterbrook is evidence that the opening of the Wegman’s represents a shift, rather than growth?

        1. It’s interesting that you mention Wegman’s. Today at Barnes & Noble, Devon, I overheard 2 Genuardi employees discussing the closing of the store — one said that they were going to Wegman’s in Frazer and the other to Giant in Frazer. As I was checking out at B&N, the clerk brought up Genuardi’s — she apparently lives between the St. Davids & Norristown Genuardi stores and frequents both regularly. In our discussion of Genuardi’s Chesterbrook closing, she offered that Safeway has always maintained their St. Davids and Norristown and was so surprised by the poor maintenance of Genuardi in Chesterbrook. Interesting that Safeway’s would seemingly allow the downward spiral of one store . . . but maintain others. I would love to see Trader Joes move from Gateway to the much bigger Genuardi’s location — wouldn’t that be great!

  5. Not sure exactly when, but I would imagine July assuming it has been submitted to them.

    In reference to the transfer tax, you are assuming that this building was or will be sold and not being leased. If it is leased, it would not result in any transfer tax. Realistically, it would likely only result in a few more employees paying $52 to the municipal services tax.

    In reference to the Wegmens, it will be interesting to see the ripple effect in the area. Yes, it is good development, but if it puts out other businesses then it is more of a shift then growth. Genardi’s in Chesterbrook will be gone soon, I will be interested to see how the Giant in frazer makes out after Wegmens opens.

    1. I hope this doesn’t cause the Giant in Frazer to close down. I really like that store. It’s smaller and easier to find products and the employees are great.

    2. It has been said on these boards that Chesterbrook is not a destination for people who live outside of chesterbrook. So I am wondering, as a planned community, is Chesterbrook an example of what we can expect at Worthington and eventually at the Upp Merrion Golf Course planned community? If so, it doesn’t look good for the new “neighborhoods”.. Or will it be different?

      1. Like any and every planned community, once it’s built out and sold, the developer often moves on….so absent some kind of governing body of residents with strategic vision, yes — you can expect much of the same. Having something at the center that is more than retail — a park, a community center — that is about the community — that’s what brings people together.

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