Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Tredyffrin's Sidewalk Project Gets Underway . . . Work to Start Monday!

The start of Tredyffrin’s sidewalk project around T-E Middle School and Conestoga High School was originally scheduled for last month, but due to the wintry weather was delayed. But beginning on Monday, March 8 the construction will begin on the sidewalk construction project. The series of pedestrian sidewalks were made possible by various grant funds, including $2.8 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (federal stimulus funds). To read further about the sidewalk plan, budget, and other specifics, click here.

Marino Corp. of Skippack, Montgomery County will be working on the sidewalk construction for the next 7 months, with completion expected by early October. Sidewalks will be installed along Old Lancaster Road, Conestoga Road, Howellville Road and Irish Road and will provide safe walking routes for students to and from school The thought is that these sidewalk routes will also link to the local train stations and business areas.

A word of warning to all who travel in these areas . . . motorists can expect delays and possible lane closures on each of these 4 roads while the crews are working, 8 AM – 4 PM, Monday – Friday. The first step in the sidewalk project will be the removal of trees and the installation of drainage pipes in the sidewalk areas.

In the Philadelphia five-county area, PennDot is investing $257.7 million in federal stimulus funds on 30 transportation projects; including road and bridge improvements, multi-use trails, traffic signal upgrades, etc. SEPTA received $12.5 million in stimulus money which they will use for improvements/upgrades at their Malvern train station. Work at Malvern’s station will include 46 additional parking spaces, upgraded more efficient lighting and better storm water management. The Malvern train station work is expected to be completed by June 2011.

Speaking of sidewalks, according to the township website, the sidewalk subcommittee will be on the March 15th agenda of the Board of Supervisors, and the members will be announced at that time. If you recall the sidewalk subcommittee (members of the Planning Commission; Sidewalks, Trails & Paths Committee; and supervisors) was announced as part of the St. Davids Golf Club motion of February 22. I am looking forward to the announcement of the members of this new subcommittee at the next supervisors meeting. I think in the best interest of all, it would probably be a good idea that members of St. Davids Golf Club be excluded from membership in this newly designed Sidewalk Subcommittee. I think the last thing the township needs is accusations of a ‘conflict of interest’.

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  1. I am excited that all the sidewalk work is being undertaken, I am a little confused and amazed that there are no companies within Tredyffrin Township that can do the work and we have hired a company from Skippack instead of contracting and paying a local company that pays taxes to Tredyffrin. It seems to me that should be a high priority for supporting our own businesses when work/services are needed.

  2. 7 months? really?
    I hope they scheduled the bulk of the work around the high school/middle school during the 2 months that there is no school. That area is a mess already in the afternoon when the schools let out.

  3. Pattye, or anyone out there in internetland, can you give an update on the Paoli Train Station/Center progress?
    Couple of years ago, this was a hot topic which occupied alot of the board’s time.

    When will it get underway?

    1. Paoli Train Station/Rail Yard Update –
      Strategic Realty has been selected as the developer for the Rail yard property. The Paoli Business & Professional Association is hosting an update on Wednesday, April 7 at 6:00pm at the Delaware Valley Friends School Auditorium. Rep. Paul Drucker and Peter Monaghan, Strategic Realty will be speaking and answering questions – while this is very preliminary it is one of many updates that we will be scheduling to keep the public and businesses aware of the progress of the Paoli Train Station and rail yard.

      Del. Valley Friends School address:
      19 E. Central Ave.
      Paoli, PA 19301

      Hope this helps, Marie Thibault, President – PBPA

  4. Chet,

    In December there was an exciting announcement that Peter Monaghan’s Strategic Realty Investments was named the developer for the Paoli Transportation project. I know Peter personally and wrote several posts about the project. Here are the links, that you might find of interest:

  5. The sidewalk project is a government project — so I assume it must go to the lowest responsible bidder. It isn’t a matter of picking someone or going outside the township.

  6. I hope the one thing that the new subcommittee does include is people from both sides of the argument that seemed to cause all of this in the first place. Stacking the committee with either politicians who don’t want to rock any boat or all people of one bent on this issue would be a disservice to possibly finding a final compromise.

  7. The subcommittee is likely to include people from STAP and the planning commission, along with Supervisors and staff. I hope they consider including some “regular people” because it seems to me that folks from those entities will all come with predispositions to an outcome. Also, since it’s become so politicized, maybe someone who isn’t actively involved in politics would be helpful — because it sounds like this group might be negotiating more than deciding based on the fact that STAP already exists FOR sidewalks; the PC voted to enforce the SDGC sidewalks, and the BOS stepped over the “line” in tryiing to subvert the PC enforcement. Sounds like a stacked jury? Is there a walking club in the area? Maybe people with that interest would be most logical about where sidewalks even make sense?

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