Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Chester County Democrat Committee Nominating Convention Endorses Paul Drucker in his Reelection Bid for the 157th Legislative District

I spoke with Paul Drucker last evening and extended my congratulations on his 157th Legislative District endorsement at the Chester County Democrat Committee Nominating Convention held yesterday in West Chester.

From what I understand from those in attendance, Paul delivered a rousing speech to the audience; a speech filled with passion and enthusiasm for the work that he is currently doing in Harrisburg and a desire to continue to represent our community. A longtime Paoli resident and a former member of Tredyffrin’s Board of Supervisors, as our current State Representative, Paul understands first hand the challenges and concerns of our community. The best of luck to Paul in his reelection campaign.

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  1. Paul should be grateful that the limelight is turned on the republicans in the 157 race. He may not be so lucky in November as the appetite for democrats nationally grows weaker by the day. Quite frankly, he should consider reasons to drop out of the race as his colleagues have done – it seems almost daily. The wave the Dems have faced recently may turn into a tsunami this fall…

  2. ANON,
    I agree that Dems have a problem on the national front. But considering that Paul is most likely going to face Warren Kampf in November, I think that it may not pose the same problem. Already evidenced by the fact that Kampf was not endorced by his committee people, I think that it better be reflection time for him. It would appear his ‘support’ is fading among his own followers. Kampf needs to realize that this community doesn’t ‘owe’ him the 157 – he better start listening to the residents (starting tonight at the BOS meeting). He and Lamina better check their attitude at the door.

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