Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Seeking Support for Transportation Funding Bill from PA State Rep. Warren Kampf (R-157)

The infrastructure in Pennsylvania is in trouble and our roads, bridges, tunnels and transit systems are not going to fix themselves – they need funding.

Earlier this year the PA Senate passed a $2.5 billion transportation funding proposal but the House has yet to vote on the measure … but time is running short for the state lawmakers to make a decision about the transportation funding bill. When elected officials return to Harrisburg on Tuesday, November 12, following their election recess, they only have about 10 session days to get the bill to Gov. Corbett for his signature before the end of the year.

Most of the money (approximately $1.9 billion) in the transportation bill would go for road, bridge and tunnel improvements with an additional $500 million earmarked for mass transit projects. In April 2011, I cited a newly released Transportation of America study that named Pennsylvania as first in the nation for having the “largest percentage of structurally deficient bridges”. Without additional funding, the structurally deficient bridges are likely to be weight-restricted, and in some cases, closed. Beyond the obvious travel difficulties (and potential safety risks) for motorists, the deteriorating infrastructure is no boon to the state’s economic situation.

Of particular interest in the transportation funding bill is the $500 million component marked for mass transit – one would think that the Paoli Transit Center project would be a candidate. The long and winding road for the Paoli Transit Center looks to now hinge on receiving funding from the proposed transportation bill. According to Tredyffrin Township Manager Bill Martin, in a MLMN article last month, “If the state can’t meet its current infrastructure needs, all new transportation projects – including Paoli’s – will be held up. Funding brings in more funding. Without state dollars for the project, we can’t get federal dollars and we won’t be able to make deals with private developers.”

Beyond the Paoli redevelopment project, the Tredyffrin residents whose properties are close to the PA Turnpike, specifically in the Great Valley, Chesterbrook and Glenhardie areas, are seeing the turnpike widening and sound wall plan ‘on hold’ pending the passage of the transportation funding bill. The PA Turnpike Commissioners have not approved their fiscal year 2014 Capital Plan that contains the turnpike widening and associated sound walls in Tredyffrin Township. According to a recent email that I received as a member of the PA Turnpike Design Roundtable, “The delay in the [Capital Plan] approval is linked to the ongoing negotiations for statewide transportation funding. … Hopefully, transportation funding will be address in the near future, and a fiscal year 2014 Capital Plan will be approved.”

The proposed transportation bill that is waiting for approval from State lawmakers significantly impacts two major Tredyffrin Township projects – the Paoli Transit Center and the PA Turnpike (in addition to the improvement of state roads and bridges in the township). The bill overwhelmingly cleared the Senate in June, what is it going to take for the lawmakers in the House to approve it and send it on to Gov. Corbett for his signature?

Low approval ratings and a challenging reelection battle looming, has Corbett stumping for the passage of the transportation bill. According to the latest Franklin & Marshall College poll (October 2013), only one in five registered voters (20%) in Pennsylvania approve of the job that Corbett is doing and 61 percent believe that the state is “off on the wrong track”. You have to think that the passage of a $2.5 billion transportation bill that would improve roads, bridges and transit systems could help boost the Governor’s sagging approval ratings.

State representatives Warren Kampf (R-157) and Duane Milne (R-167) each have a section of the PA Turnpike in their Districts and likewise their Districts overlap in the Paoli redevelopment project. And like Governor Corbett, Republicans Kampf and Milne are both up for reelection in 2014. Milne is on record as supporting the transportation bill, stating in Main Line Suburban, “Without a substantial transportation bill, there is close to zero chance that the Paoli project gets funded in anywhere close to the foreseeable future. Our state is near the bottom in terms of its roads and transportation system. There is no revenue stream that will let us do first-class upgrades to our roads and infrastructure. If there’s no bill, it’s going to hurt our ability to do new projects like Paoli. We’ll be looking at the status quo or at a declining status quo.”

On the other hand, Kampf has been vocal in his opposition of the proposed transportation bill, at least in its present form. Although Kampf in not questioning the need for infrastructure improvements, he objects to lifting the tax ceiling on gas wholesalers that would then be passed onto consumers as a means of paying for transportation improvements. According to his Op-Ed article on TE Patch, Kampf states that the, “passage of this legislation as it is today offers no guarantees for the future of that, or any other, local project.” We know that there is no guarantee on project allocation in the funding bill but there is a flipside to this argument — What happens to the Paoli Transit Center project if the currently proposed transportation bill passes the House without Kampf’s signature?

With neighboring District state representatives at odds over the transportation bill, this could be the death knell for our local train station redevelopment project. If the bill passes without Kampf’s support it seems probable that the funding for the Paoli Transit Center is likely to be used elsewhere

I understand that Rep. Kampf does not want to increase taxes and is particularly concerned about what the increase in gas tax could mean to seniors, families, and small businesses that are already struggling. Kampf claims that the majority of the constituents who have contacted him do not support an increase in gas taxes to fund road, bridges and transit system improvements. As one of his constituents, I disagree. If he spoke to the 4,000 residents in the Great Valley, Chesterbrook and Glenhardie areas impacted by the PA Turnpike widening and sound wall project, I’m guessing that they too would encourage his support of the transportation funding bill.

With a reelection campaign ahead in 2014, is Kampf’s political calculus that the voters will punish him for supporting the transportation bill if it means raising the cost of gas. In my opinion, it is more likely that the voters will punish him if he doesn’t support the bill, especially if it means the loss of the Paoli Transit Center and the PA Turnpike projects for Tredyffrin.

It’s difficult for elected officials to support a tax increase when they are not running for office – but when its election year, the task is all but impossible. If Corbett does not have the proposed transportation funding bill on his desk in 2013, it seems unlikely that it will resurface in 2014 (election year).

The infrastructure in Pennsylvania is in trouble and our roads, bridges, tunnels and transit systems are not going to fix themselves – they need funding and the money has to come from somewhere. The clock is running down for State lawmakers to maake a decision on transportation funding.

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  1. Pattye,

    I am sure you disagree with the Representative’s contention that “the majority of the constituents who have contacted him do not support an increase in gas taxes” but you fully support the PTC. Many do not.

    And while you contend that the 4,000 residents in GV, Chesterbrook and Glenhardie do support it, you have not surveyed the area as the Representative have.

    Also, even if 100% of those 4,000 people support it (which I doubt), that still leaves 56,000 others in the district whom Kampf answers to. Basically, your argument seems to be that he should lay down to those 4,000 even if the others don’t want it. That is not representing the people…it is representing a certain portion.

    Finally, I ask for some clarification to make sure I am understanding the proposal.

    When you talk about projects like Malvern, they seem to have been true “train station” redos. That is, the train station was renovated, improved, etc. and required very little land takings, etc.

    From all I have read about the PTC project, it requires condemnation of land and is a significant “new” project — meaning replacing a small station with a multi-story structure, parking garage, station, new roads and accessways, etc. Because of this, the cost differential is significantly different — I would guess in the tens of millions of dollars more (or greater.) I would also think, as Representative Kampf points out, that the funding would not come from the gas tax increase legislation being proposed, but from a variety of sources.

    Basically, it doesn’t seem to me that you (and many others) are comparing apples to apples.

    Is this true?

    Also, do you believe the general public understands this is not simply a new train station, but a massive new structure and roadway changes that will significantly change the look and feel of that part of Paoli?

    I know when I heard it was a train station I thought one thing, but when I saw photos of the proposed structure in Rep. Kampf’s newsletter I was shocked and took pause with the scope of the project.

    1. FTW, Thanks for your comment.

      Yes, you are correct that I support the Paoli Transit Center. As a former Board member of the Paoli Professional & Business Association, it is clear that the revitation of Paoli is tied directly to this project. The Paoli Transit Center is central to Paoli’s redevelopment and without funding for the train station, the picture looks bleak.

      Residents whose homes are located along the PA Turnpike have been working on stormwater and sound wall issues for years. These issues have affected property values, saleability, etc. — and now to have the timeline stalled pending the outcome of transportation funding has many of these people more than a little concerned.

      As for voters and where they stand — In last week’s election, we saw where two development projects in Tredyffrin affected the outcome of the BOS race. Many Glenhardie and Daylesford residents opposed Michelle Kichline because of Wayne Glen and Jimmy Duffy developments and they took their opposition to the polls. Rep. Kampf may feel that the support to be gained in Phoenvixville by voting against the transportation funding bill outweighs the support he could lose from PTC supporters and PA Turnpike area residents. I’m just one person’s opinion but I’d say if the Chair of the Board of Supervisors can lose her seat over 2 development projects, than the possibility exists for the PTC supporters and the PA Turnpike residents to likewise influence a state representative race.

      1. Pattye,

        Those are good, and interesting, points.

        That said, three things…

        1. Do you contend (as I asked) that the PTC is the same as, for example, Malvern’s or Downingtown’s train station projects that you always cite when calling for support of PTC? How much did Malvern or Downingtown cost vs. the proposed PTC?

        2. Do you believe it is right or wrong for a Representative like Mr. Kampf to support something that you and others may support but that the majority of the people he represents do not? I fear that too many people these days “want what they want” regardless of others (see: Washington, DC and ObamaCare: Dems passed it saying “we’ll see what’s in it” later b/c they wanted it; Reps fought after to the point of a shutdown caused by both sides’ unwillingness to compromise)

        3. With no guarantee of the PTC being built even if this gas tax passes, what is wrong with compromise, as Rep. Kampf suggests? (NOTE: in re-reading his op-ed, he didn’t even say he opposes the amount in current bill, but the short timing of its phase in)

        1. 1. The Paoli Transit Center project is not the same as Malvern or Downingtown and no I don’t know the cost differentials. Considering what is involved with PTC, it would appear to be the costliest project. However, if you look at the ridership level, parking situation, traffice issues, etc. associated currently with Paoli trains station, you’d think it should be at the top of the mass transit improvement projects:

          From the Tredyffrin Township website,
          “Paoli train station has the highest ridership of any station in Chester County and is one of the busiest in the entire Philadelphia suburbs.The station and parking, however, no longer can accommodate the volume of people who use the facility daily. Ridership is suppressed due to the lack of parking, and Paoli merchants are frustrated by commuters using their lots. Buses and shuttles squeeze into cramped parking lots adjacent to the station. Traffic is very congested and access in and out of the station is difficult. Local residents and workers find it challenging to walk or bike to the station and the station itself is deteriorating.”

          2. I think that Rep. Kampf should support what the majority of his constituents want without question. When I wrote the post and read his Op-Ed article, what he said is that the majority of the constutents who had responded did not support the transportation funding bill if it included gas tax increase. Did residents know that the stormwater and sound walls along the PA Turnpike may not happen without the transportation funding bill? Do long-term supporters of the PTC and the redevelopment of Paoli know that its future is tied to the passage of the transportation bill? Even the township manager believes that the future of the project is tied to funding from the transportation bill. But aside from PTC and PA Turnpike, what about the condition of the roads and bridges? Where’s the money going to come from for those improvements?

          3. I’m all for compromise and hope that Rep. Kampf can make a convincing argument in the next couple of weeks.

  2. It seems to me that seniors would be the least impacted by a gas tax since their usage of gasoline, you would think, is diminished without a commute. Using seniors as an argument seems to be made up to justify his position. If Warren can get the bill passed that will be good for the township and Paoli, If he can also get funds in the bill committed to the Paoli project then will I vote for him in 2014.

  3. maybe Kampf is working on the bill behind scenes to change the gas tax funding? Interesting that ONE thing that is cheaper in NJ is gas, compared to Pa. Where are the Pa gas taxes currently going?

  4. also, comparing Kichlines loss to a possible loss for kampf is not exactly the same.. In voter numbers alone, and size of his representative area.. as FTW pointed out, 4000 disgruntled voters out of 56k is not a losing calculus, unless only 5000 total voters come out, of course.

    1. 4,000 disgruntled voters out of 56,000 wouldn’t be a losing calculus? It sure would. Kampf won by less than 800 votes last time. This issue could certainly be a game-changer.

      1. I guess with low turnout that 4000 would be costly to him. Thats why I said depends on the turnout. But you are right, if history is a guide, the turnout may help or hinder him based on his decision. thanks for pointing out the numbers last time.

  5. Members of the PA Turnpike Design Roundtable just received an update from Kevin Scheurich, project manager, indicating that the PA Turnpike reconstruction & widening project, Mileposts 320-326 in Tredyffrin Twp remains on hold pending results of transportation bill. See email below:

    “The general assembly will reconvene next week and the transportation funding bill will be among the topics of discussion. Earlier this year SB1 passed through the Senate. Act 44 requires the PTC to make payments to PennDOT in the amount of $450 million each year through year 2057 for statewide transportation needs. Since Act 44 was signed into law in July of 2007, the PTC has paid $4.057 billion to PennDOT. The PTC cannot sustain these payments over the long term and has already seen an impact with a bond rating decrease, meaning the PTC pays more to borrow money. We remain hopeful that any transportation bill would address Act 44 and that the PTC’s obligation to PennDOT would be sunsetted in the next 6 to 10 years. Given the uncertainty of the transportation funding bill, the PTC Commissioners have not approved a Fiscal Year 2014 Capital Plan, which essentially determines what projects we do and when. If the transportation funding bill does not get passed, the PTC’s Capital Plan will be reduced by removing major projects. Please note that once a project is in construction, the PTC is committed to fund that project, which is why we were pushing to get this job out sooner. The estimated construction cost for the Milepost 320-326 job is $250 Million. Since this project cannot meet the current schedule, it is now competing for funding …”

    1. Pattye,

      That’s a little unfair. The email from them showed that the biggest reason the 320-326 project hasn’t started isn’t because of the Transportation bill, but because of permitting issues.

      Here’s what the email said:

      “Dear Design Roundtable Members,

      As discussed at the last Design Roundtable meeting, the Commission (PTC) is committed to keeping you informed as the project progresses. The current schedule of obtaining clearances and permits by March of 2014 is no longer feasible. The updates below will explain in more detail.

      Permit Update

      · NPDES Permit – The PTC met with representatives of PADEP and the Chester County Conservation District on September 26, 2013 to review draft comments, which were a result of the technical review. There are a significant amount of comments to be resolved and a significant amount of comments that were left un-reconciled. As a result, a high level meeting between the PTC and PADEP is currently being scheduled.”

      1. I repeat, the email states: . “If the transportation funding bill does not get passed, the PTC’s Capital Plan will be reduced by removing major projects. Please note that once a project is in construction, the PTC is committed to fund that project, which is why we were pushing to get this job out sooner. The estimated construction cost for the Milepost 320-326 job is $250 Million. Since this project cannot meet the current schedule, it is now competing for funding with the following major reconstructions …”

        I live in the Great Valley and have spoken to several residents who also received the email. Everyone I spoke to interpreted the email the same as I did. This project was held up due to permitting issues. The PTC is moving ahead with projects which already have attached schedules but because this project does not have a schedule, it is now a ‘wait and see’ due to the transportation bill. Because the project is not underway at this time, my interpretation is that its future is unclear without the passage of the transporation bill. In my conversations with other Great Valley residents, their interpretation of the email was the same as mine — but you are certainly welcome to your opinion. I guess if the transportation bill isn’t approve and the PTC doesn’t move forward with the widening/storm water/sound walls project in Tredyffrin Twp, we’ll have our answer.

        1. Pattye,

          I guess my issue is that everyone keeps claiming the Transportation Bill / Gas Tax Increase will solve every problem. It won’t.

          There is not a single project — anywhere in the state — that is guaranteed in this legislation. Not this, not the Paoli Transit Center, not 422 improvements. Nothing,

          More money would help do more, but every project is ALWAYS in competition in this state. We spend nearly $7 billion now on transportation and not every project is funded. There always has been and always will be competition.

          The Turnpike Commission and PennDOT “mysteriously” started putting out more emails like these and weight-restricting bridges that had been “ok” for years when the House didn’t vote on the transportation bill (which was a bipartisan “didn’t vote”) because they are playing politics plain and simple. They want one thing: more money. Not once have I seen either agency say, “we can do more with less” or “we can find more efficiencies” even while asking for more. They just want more.

          My point was this: the permitting snafu (and subsequent inability to get DEP to a meeting) is what caused the project to stall, not the passage of a transportation bill. If the bill passed tomorrow unanimously we would still be competing for the money. Everyone should be smart enough to recognize the facts versus the political games.

          If you want to blame something, blame the state agencies who can’t even schedule a meeting in a timely manner.

          1. Everyone should be smart enough to recognize the facts versus the political games.

            Just curious — do you apply the same standard to the Paoli Transit Center as you do the PA Turnpike widening/storm water/sound wall project? Setting aside the PA Turnpike project, are you of the opinion that the proposed transportation funding bill (if not passed) will not impact the future of the Paoli Transit Center?

        2. Pattye,

          Yes, I do apply the same standard because, no matter what, we would be competing for the money regardless of how many billions of dollars are provided to transportation needs.

          I understand that many local people want these projects – as people in other parts of the state want theirs. But to act like passage of the bill will guarantee we get these projects (or others get theirs) is not true, fair or logical.

          I think the passage of the transportation funding bill COULD impact the PTC as much as it could impact any project across the state as all compete for finite resources.

          That said, passage of the transportation bill offers NO guarantees that the money would flow to the PTC. Local officials have been fighting for that money for years, even before this “crisis” and it has not come to fruition. In fact. over that time, more than enough money has been spent on other projects to have funded the PTC but, again, it hasn’t happened. This proves further my contention that a transportation bill could affect the project, but is no guarantee.

          Part of the reason is that there are so many different agencies involved; it’s not just SEPTA or just PennDOT. Part of the reason is that the project is not just a simple train station redo…it is a massive NEW complex that requires land takings, demolition of current buildings (not just the train station), road re-routing, a new bridge, etc., etc.

          Understand that I am playing devil’s advocate in these posts. I am only asking that those who are acting like the transportation bill is the answer to the problem admit it’s not a guarantee. I am also asking them to look fairly at the opinions of those who oppose the gas tax increase for their families, businesses, etc. This argument has become, like too many things today, too black-and-white in people’s minds.

          I commend Representative Kampf for taking the time to listen to ALL his constituents on this issue and then reporting what he’s heard to all of us. I just wish that those on both sides of the argument would be willing to do the same.

          1. Clearly, you are in the opposite camp on the transportation funding bill. Rep. Kampf is firm in his stance – he was elected on the platform of not raising taxes and he’s going to stay the course. He’s not going to support the transportation bill because in its present form the funding requires an increase price at the pump. I appreciate Rep. Kampf’s position albeit I do not agree. I do not agree that the price will go up 28 cents a gallon – not sure about the accuracy of that statistic. And I do not think it has been determined that the entire wholesaler cost will be go to the consumer.

            I believe (as do many others, including the township manager) that if the transportation bill is not passed or is passed without Rep. Kampf’s support, the Paoli Transit Center is probably not going to move forward. The project requires State money and as Bill Martin, twp manager explained, Federal money is contingent on State money. As I was stopped this morning at the light on N. Valley waiting to cross Rt. 30, there’s a sea of empty storefronts, made all the more obvious with large white sheets of paper in the windows. Economic redevelopment in Paoli is tied directly to the Paoli Transit Center. Rep. Kampf has stated that he supports Paoli Transit Center project and the revitalization of this community – I fear that his voting against the transportation funding bill is going to send the opposite message.

            As for the PA Turnpike expansion project — those folks along the turnpike have been dealing with this for a decade. I will concede that the holdup on the DEP approval is a factor as to why the project does not have a scheduled timeline. However, if the DEP approval does not happen in the next few days, the project will slip off the radar without the transportation funding bill (and support of Rep. Kampf).

            Beyond the turnpike and Paoli, there are the improvements desperately needed for the State’s roads and bridges. Hasn’t it been 15 years since the last transportation funding? I do not want PA to see a catastrophe like St. Paul or Tennessee with bridge collapses.

            I commend Representative Kampf for taking the time to listen to ALL his constituents on this issue and then reporting what he’s heard to all of us. I just wish that those on both sides of the argument would be willing to do the same.

            As for this comment, although Rep. Kampf may be listening to ‘ALL’ his constituents as you say, I don’t think that he is ‘reporting’ all of what he’s heard. All we hear is that the majority of the people who responded to the survey don’t want their taxes raised. If I was asked that question, I would say no, of course I don’t want my taxes increased. However, if the question was would you support a tax increase for bridge, road, tunnel and transit system improvements, my answer would be yes. Semantics??

            To this point, I think that Rep. Kampf has done an excellent job as our state representative — I just don’t happen to agree with him on transportation funding (and for the record, I DO see both sides of the argument, just don’t agree).

        3. If I was asked that question, I would say no, of course I don’t want my taxes increased. However, if the question was would you support a tax increase for bridge, road, tunnel and transit system improvements, my answer would be yes. Semantics??



          I point you toward this quote from the Representative’s Op-Ed:

          “This summer I sent out a survey to every household in this 157th district and well more than the majority of responses opposed such a gas tax increase, even when local projects were part of the equation”

          I also had (but returned) the survey and it asked two questions: (1) would you support the legislation? and (2) would you support the legislation if you knew money would be used for projects like PTC and 422?

          Basically, he asked exactly what you are saying you don’t think he did. And he did it with no semantic games.

          Also, Rep. Kampf never said “no tax increases” as part of his platform during a year when many others were signing no tax increase pledges. Even the Op-Ed you linked to says he would support an increase, just one smaller than currently proposed:

          “With this in mind, I am willing to support a compromise funding plan which significantly increases funding for transportation while reducing the tax increases which are currently proposed and requiring greater efficiency in the use of all the monies provided.”

          As for the point that no one has proven the wholesalers will pass the entire increase along, I think we all know (and common sense dictates) they would. I know of almost no company that doesn’t “pass along” its cost increases in its pricing… especially oil companies.

          The 28 cents is what’s in the legislation, so I don’t think you are questioning that as being accurate, are you?

          No matter what, passage of the bill does NOT guarantee the PTC or the Turnpike projects getting funded. That, regardless of everything else, is a 100% fact. Could it help? Sure, as there is more money. Does it guarantee it the way that you and so many others are making it sound? No, it doesn’t.

          That is my biggest point and one that people who want the PTC and other projects seem entirely unwilling to admit.

          1. Not sure what you want me to say — you’re right and I’m wrong. I get that the passage of the transportation bill does not guarantee the funding to Paoli Transit Center however, … I’m confident that if bill DOES pass without Rep. Kampf’s signature then the project is doomed for the foreseeable future. The best possible scenario for Rep. Kampf is if he is not forced to vote — if the transportation funding bill is shelved without a vote required that is the perfect solution for Rep. Kampf but unfortunately a NO vote on the bill puts the PTC and the redevelopment of Paoli in a lousy position. You do realize that we could go around this issue a million times and you have your opinion and I have mine and they are never going to line up.

      2. Pattye, if i read FTW correctly, he/she stated that if it IS passed, there is NO guarantee funds will flow to Paoli as there is competition for these funds. Hope this is correct interpretation..

        Maybe warren is on to something??

  6. Thanks Pattye for your in depth piece on this critical topic.

    A couple of data points.

    I just returned from a trip in which I paid $3.20 for a gallon of gas, at the low end of the 70 cent per gallon range of the last two years. This routine fluctuation is two and a half times the impact of the phased wholesale tax increase which Rep Kampf says is “simply too high”. Is that data from his survey? What increase would not be too high? How has he determined that number?

    Gasoline consumption in PA in 2011 was lower than it was a decade earlier, and down 4% from 2007. Nationwide data for 2012 has consumption down 6% from that year. How can we possibly expect a per gallon tax that has been unchanged since 2006 to keep pace with infrastructure needs in an era of decreasing fuel consumption?

    Is the best we can do to pass the buck? “Washington has failed to meet its obligations”. Seems to be par for the course for local politicians.

    1. By your exact same thinking, isn’t it true that Washington – which hasn’t addressed the gas tax in 20 years – has, in fact, failed to meet its obligation?

      I didn’t read it as passing the buck, but as a “this is how we got here” statement.

  7. Ray a little harsh I would say. Where are the minute by minute toll fees going? Where are the CURRENT gas taxes going>? if consumption is lower than a decade ago, maybe we can slow the pace of repairs, starting with the worst, first..

  8. And how are the traffic problems going to be alleviated? As a resident of Valley Hills I haven’t seen any traffic studies proposals that actually solve anything – especially on 252 and E. Central Avenue.

    1. The possibility exists those traffic issues are not going to be alleviated. No one is talking about the fact that, with or without a new transit center, there are still expensive issues to address at 252 and 30 (which would help at E. Central.) Again, these issues would be multi-agency as the train tracks/train bridge would need to be redone along with the roads.

      Also, the PTC includes a new multi-story parking structure which is going to bring more cars to the area and may result in more traffic.

      The PTC also totally reroutes the roads so that the current N. Valley Road bridge disappears and is replaced by a path that extends Darby Road across 30, over the train tracks with a new bridge and joins, basically, next to or into E. Central (hard to tell on drawing.) That could increase traffic in your neighborhood as well.

      I would suggest you look at the proposed PTC project more closely to find out the traffic plan/transit center size. I know Rep. Kampf’s office has something on this as he included a picture of the proposed structure in his last newsletter.

  9. Profile in Courage: Duane Milne.

    After claiming to be fully behind the Transportation Funding bill, Milne voted “Yes” then changed his vote to “No” when he saw it wasn’t going to pass.

    At least Kampf told the truth about where he stood and why. Milne just played politics and/or lied.

    I hope that the indignation shown to Kampf for being honest will at least be turned a little toward Milne who basically tried to fool all of us.

  10. not so sure robert. Kampf to my knowledge was not against the project but just concerned about the increase gas taxes that ALL of us would have to pay. I see nothing wrong with that. In fact, perhaps he and others would have, or could have come up with a better way. But the vote went forward and it was against his and others principles. Quite unique for a politician. He has my vote , again.
    Wonder if Paoli is shovel ready. Or, when does the work begin? Is there a guarantee it will even get off the ground in any form with this legislation or is it possible there won’t be enough money anyway for this, or the funds will be delegated to some other project. Do you know?

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