Pattye Benson

Community Matters

League of Women Voters to hold candidate debate for TESD & Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors — Saturday, October 19!

Washington always has hogged much of the nation’s political oxygen, and in recent weeks, it has grabbed all of it, and probably some of the other basic building blocks of life, as well. But there is an election scheduled for Tuesday, November 5 and as voters, we have choices to make.

The federal government shutdown has invaded this community directly – look no further than the closure of Valley Forge National Historic Park! But our local government and school district affects us more directly than any other public entity – the local roads we drive on, how long it takes someone to come when we dial 911, the school our children attend, etc. etc.

Voters will have an opportunity to learn more about the candidates for the TE School Board and the Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors this Saturday, October 19. Yes, it looks like that in addition to the supverisor debate, there will be a TESD School Board Candidate Debate!

The Chester County League of Women Voters will conduct a debate for the TESD school board candidates this upcoming Saturday, October 19, 1 – 2 PM at the Tredyffrin Township Building, 1100 Duportail Road, Berwyn.

The following are TESD School Board candidates:

  • Tredyffrin, East – Region 1: Kevin Buraks (D) **
  • Tredyffrin, East – Region 1: Pete Connors (R)
  • Tredyffrin West – Region 2: Rich Brake (R) **
  • Tredyffrin, West – Region 2: Scott Dorsey (D)
  • Easttown, Region III: Doug Carlson (R)
  • Easttown, Region III: Virginia Lastner (R)
  • Easttown, Region III: Maryann Piccioni (D)
  • Easttown, Region III: Jean Kim (D)

It is my understanding that six of the eight school board candidates will participate in Saturday’s debate. Unfortunately, Maryann Piccioni and Jean Kim have personal scheduling issues and are unable to attend. There are four Easttown school board candidates on the ballot because current Board directors Betsy Fadem and Anne Crowley have chosen not to seek re-election. As chosen by Easttown voters, the two candidates receiving the highest vote count will be elected to the TESD school board. Incumbents Kevin Buraks (D) and Rich Brake (R) will be challenged on Election Day by Pete Connors (R) and Scott Dorsey (D) respectively.

Immediately following the TESD School Board Candidate Debate, the Chester County League of Women Voters will conduct the Tredyffrin Township Supervisors Debate, 2 – 4 PM, same location.

The following are Tredyffrin Township Board of Supervisors candidates:

  • Supervisor at Large: Michelle Kichline (R) **
  • Supervisor at Large: Trip Lukens (R)
  • Supervisor at Large: Murph Wysocki (D)
  • Supervisor at Large: Mark Freed (D)
  • District 2 Middle:: EJ Richter (R) ** (a)
  • District 2 Middle: Laurie Elliott (D

The Supervisor at Large seats go to the two candidates receiving the highest vote count on November 5. In the Middle District, the candidate receiving the highest vote count wins the seat.

Off-year elections are historically very-low voter turnout. Here’s hoping that the upcoming school board and supervisor debates lead to more informed voting and increased voter turnout!


** Incumbent

(a) Currently serving as a Tredyffrin Township At-Large supervisor, Evelyn Richter is seeking re-election; not as an At-Large candidate but as a candidate in the Middle, District 2 race.

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  1. Hi, I was at the finance committee meeting last night where Mary M., President of TENIG, signed the new contract on behalf of her members.

    Even though there is a 30% difference in their previous pay structure with the private sector, and even though they enjoyed a 19% increase in salary over the last 4 years, I still think it was very nice of Mary to walk up to the microphone and thank the board for allowing her to take a 2.3M cut on behalf of TENIG members.

    I think it would have been nice and the right thing to do for our leadership to stand up and thank Mary for her sacrifice and then offer to do the same thing. The morale in our schools and therefore the educational experience for our children would benefit from such a gesture and isn’t that what it is supposed to be about?

    We cannot keep expecting to balance our budget off of the people who make the least in wages.

  2. pattye thank you for posting the roster of candidates and associated info. it is a useful service, to say the least!

  3. Babs, I agree whole heartedly. I was dismayed at the small turn out of citizens and from TENIG there was only a small group (I think 5) sitting across the audtitorium from me. I thought there would have been a lot more people present. I don’t believe for one minute how some of them said that they didn’t want to outsource and how much they appreciate the TENIG workers. Hah! I’m anxious to see how the teacher contract negotiations are handled.

  4. Support, I wasn’t surprised by the turnout. I didn’t expect citizens to show up to view Mary and Kevin sign a contract that both sides already agreed to.

    And I believe they appreciate TENIG more than you know. If they wanted TENIG outsourced, TENIG would be outsourced. An action like this would cause profound disruption in the daily, working life of the administrators. That was your leverage.

    The teachers contract is directly tied to the administrators’ agreements so all we can do is hope that the board serves the best interests of the tax payers.

    Pattye, Did not mean or want to hijack your thread. Did not know where to post my comment. Thanks for the info on the debates. I’ll be there and hope to see all of you there.

  5. No== the administrator contracts flow FROM the teacher contract, not tied to it at all. And the admin comp plan has a market component that is spelled out.
    Teachers negotiate under the leadership of PSEA. Administrators “meet and discuss.” But most of the admins have the right to return to the classroom, so the final step/ right-hand corner of the teacher schedule is the bottom line for most admins.

  6. Pattye, Do you know if they will televise the debates on the local cable channel at a later date? I would love to come take part but have a previous family commitment that I cannot miss. I’m hoping that I will be able to see what all the candidates have to say.Thanks again for all your hard work to help our community.

    1. Debbie, I know that the Tredyffrin Township supervisor candidate debate will be videotaped and available to the public and I am assuming that arrangements have been made for the school board cadndiates debate to also be taped. I was told that was the plan, so here’s hoping.

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