There is a TE School District Finance Committee meting tonight at 7 PM. According to the agenda, the RFP for the TENIG contract will be discussed. The RFP is lengthy (over 100 pages) and details all requirements. The TENIG union includes the custodial workers, maintenance, security, kitchen staff and support staff.
After all the months of back and forth regarding the aides and paras and their employ in the District, I was curious as to how many actually returned for the 2013/14 school year. The week before the start of school, I sent the following email to Sue Tiede:
With the start of the 2013/14 school year only a few days off, I am following-up on the status of the returning aides and paras and have a few questions –
(1) How many aides/paras did not return for the 2013/14 school year?
(2) Of the total vacated positions, how many positions were filled with new employees?
(3) Were the vacated positions filled with part-time employees?
(4) Did the District fill the vacated positions through outsourcing?
(5) If the District outsourced the vacated positions, which company was used?Thank in advance for this information.
Pattye Benson
In response to my email, I received the following email from Sue. I look forward to hearng the update at the Finance meeting tonight.
Dear Pattye,
We are finalizing our hiring process at this time and have received several resignations as late as yesterday afternoon. At the September Finance Committee Meeting we plan to summarize our staffing for the 2013-14 school year. Our hiring process for aides has remained unchanged. As always, we plan to fill each vacancy with qualified candidates.
Best regards,
An update — At the Finance Committee meeting, I asked Sue Tiede about the aides and paras. She reported that 32 aides and paras did not return for the 2013-14 school year. Historically, she said that this number was about average — due to retirement, finding another job, etc. All 32 of the positions were filled plus 2 additional aides were added for a total of 34. All of these positions were filled by the District and not through an outsourcing company. The positions were filled with new employees not to exceed 27-1/2 hr. work week.
Possibly of interest. To stay informed on these issues, routinely provides links to timely topics.