Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Sidewalks Subcommittee Presentation Off Tonight’s Supervisors Agenda

Tonight’s Board of Supervisors meeting will not include Tory Snyder’s Sidewalk Subcommittee presentation on the agenda as previously advertised. I received a voice mail from Mimi Gleason stating that the sidewalks subcommittee presentation has been postponed to the next Board of Supervisors meeting on February 7. The stated reason for the change — Bob Lamina is away on business and unable to attend tonight’s meeting and EJ Richter is on vacation. There was a desire to have all the supervisors in attendance for the presentation and that would not be possible tonight. Interesting.

Next township meeting of importance this week . . . Personnel Committee (Bob Lamina, Phil Donahue, Michele Kichline) to interview the 4 supervisor candidates on Wednesday evening. Open to the public.

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  1. Very many thanks, Pattye, for getting the word out. I won’t speculate on what’s afoot here, but I will say that this is an excellent opportunity for regular BOS attendees to pop over to the TESD admin building for the School Board meeting.

    On the Agenda tonight: adoption of the preliminary budget, which includes a 4.2% property tax increase. This is not binding, but takes us a further step down the road.

    This is an opportunity to have your voice heard. Tell the Board what you think about adding to the property tax burden when there is $28 million of taxpayer money in the general fund, when residents are paying income taxes to other districts, when there are expense reduction strategies to come and when there will be an opportunity to realign compensation starting in 2012/13.

    Even with a, say, $5 million fund balance contribution, T/E will still be at the head of peers on key measures like fund balance as a percent of revenues and as a percent of debt, and debt as a percent of total assets.

    In my view, it’s definitely time to tighten up the financial ship. Let the Board know where you stand!

    1. I didn’t hear any mention of either Lamina calling while on his business trip or of Richter calling from vacation. I do wonder if Bob will be back by Wednesday; he’s one of the 3 supervisors on the Personnel Comittee who will be interviewing the 4 candidates. As Vice Chair, I guess that Paul Olson is in charge of the BOS tonight.

  2. They will all get to weigh on on the interviews. What exactly do you expect the interview process to disclose that isn’t already obvious from reviewing the candidates resumes and being familiar with their demeanor.

  3. Perhaps the delay of the Sidewalk Subcommittee report is to allow Kampf’s replacement to be named first. If the TTRC choice is seated, the vote against accepting the committee’s recommendations is more assured.

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