Public Invited to Turnpike Open House for Update on Six-Lane Widening Project West of Valley Forge Exit
- Project Update
- Open House Plans Display
- Total Reconstruction & Widening Project, Mileposts 320-326
- Future Rt. 29 Interchange – Valley Forge Interchange
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Clarion Hotel
(Valley Forge Ballroom)
480 N. Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission invites the community to attend a project update open house to view revised engineering design plans to rebuild and widen the Turnpike between Milepost 320 (Future Rt. 29 All Electronic Interchange) and Milepost 326 (Valley Forge Interchange) in Chester and Montgomery Counties.
Informative project displays and mapping will be available for public review and representatives from the community, the Turnpike and its consultant team will be on hand to answer questions.
Questions can be directed to Don Steele or Mimi Doyle at the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Eastern Regional Office (610-279-1645) 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. The meeting facility is ADA accessible; however, requests for special needs or accommodations to facilitate public participation should be directed to Mimi Doyle.
For Project Updates Visit