We live across from the Swedesford Road Open Space Park. During the last 24 hours someone either used a ladder or climbed up a township park tree and nailed 3 political campaign signs into one of the trees. We have lived here for 26 years and there has never been signs nailed on these trees. If the trees were on private property and the individual had permission, I guess it would be OK. Although I still would question the damage it may do to the tree. But the point is the tree with the signs is on township open space property.
During the political campaign season, you may see signs along Swedesford Road, particularly on private property or along the sides of the road but never on the park property. I sent an email to the Board of Supervisors asking what the policy was concerning political campaign signs in our township parks but have not yet had a response. If over zealous campaign workers had planted the typical metal campaign signs, you could simply remove them if the signs were in an inappropriate place. But these signs are at least 10 ft. up the tree and would require a ladder for installation or removal.
I do not think political campaign signs should be nailed to trees in township parks. On my email to the supervisors from my husband and I, I copied the township manager, head of public works Steve Norcini and township solicitor Tom Hogan. I asked the policy and asked for the removal of the signs. I do not think the signs should be removed at taxpayers expense nor should it be the responsibility of the township’s public works staff to climb the tree and remove the signs . . . rather, I would hope that the political campaign responsible would remove the signs.
I have not taken a trip around to visit other township parks but I am hopeful there have been no other defacing of township property.
how about on public utility poles? Is that ok?
I saw them yesterday too. Nothing should ever be nailed into any live tree, that is plain stupid.
“nothing should be nailed to any live tree…”
Does the tree feel pain? Standing out there, tall and strong, in the elements of summer, and winter, spring and fall, a small hole in the bark doesn’t seem like a mortal sin”
Xylem on the inside, phloem on the out… as the song goes.
You should see what they do to maple trees in Canada!
Your can tell from the signs they are courtesy of TTRC. All 3 are republican candidates.
those darn Republicans!
Technically the signs were stapled, not ‘nailed’… I’m just sayin…
Nailed . . . stapled . . . does it really matter? The point is the signs were 20ft. up a tree in a public township park and it required removal by township staff.
Toshiro – How do you know that they were not nailed to the tree??
If you go to Pattye’s post with the title “Quick Response from Township Manager & Public Works . . . Political Campaign Signs Removed from Township Park” and click on the picture of the guy pulling the sign down with a rake, you can zoom in and clearly see that they are staples, not nails.
Perhaps we should take a look at Drucker’s expense reports to see if he happened to purchase a staple gun. I would not be surprised if it turned out to be a coordinated effort to smear the GOP!
seems like we are making a federal case about the signs in the tree caper. So it was a mistake, according to the laws of TRedyffrin Township.
I miss John ranting about Warren.
Campaign signs should be treated as litter. If they are not displayed on private property they should be removed immediately, and the respective candidate should be fined.
yes so that includes all signs on telephone poles, on the entrances to highways, etc.
I vote yes to that and am not sure I will vote otherwise. At the Post office today, you should have seen the amount of campaign mailers — and please explain why’ Paid for and authorized by’campaign literature is eligible to be mailed with a “Non Profit. Org” rate.. Taxpayers can’t deduct donations to candidates and I don’t think this crap in the mail should be mailed at any discounted rate. Let’s help the post office stay open.