Looking outside today, what a difference a day makes! Yesterday was one of those magical days that will be remembered long after the final guest departed. This year’s old house owners on the Trust’s annual historic house tour were amazing – the effort and time spent on details by each of the homeowners was truly remarkable. With blue skies, summer-like temperatures and help from many volunteers, the house tour surpassed my wildest expectations.
Using Community Matters, email blasts, the support from the local press – Main Line Media News, www.AroundMainLine.com and www.MainLineNeighbors.com, Conestoga Woodlea Civic Association, Facebook, Twitter, and word of mouth, this year’s tour literally ‘jumped’ in attendees and in dollars raised. There was a 85% increase in attendees from last year – 278 people paid for tickets! If I add the volunteers and homeowners, close to 350 people were on the tour.
Proceeds from ticket sales, contributions and sponsorships totaled $11,000 from yesterday’s house tour and benefit the Jones Log Barn rebuilding project.
This is the first time I’ve done the tour – what a treat! Great job by all involved, very worthy cause, I’ll be there next year for sure.
Kathie — Thanks so much! It was a wonderful day and one of the people who was on the tour has already volunteered her historic home on Waterloo Rd. in Easttown!