Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda to Include Mt. Pleasant Update

Just to update . . . I had sent an email to the Board of Supervisors this week requesting that a Mt. Pleasant update be added to next week’s supervisors meeting. I requested that the Mt. Pleasant update include (1) Town Hall Meeting summary; (2) college student housing ordinance; (3) status of vacant lot on Mt. Pleasant Ave; and (4) vacant houses on future site of Henry Ave. townhouse development. I’m pleased to report that I received a response from Mimi Gleason that an official update would be given at Board of Supervisors Meeting as part of the supervisor liaison reporting. The next Board of Supervisors Meeting is Monday, April 5, 7:30 PM.

Now that supervisors and township staff are aware of the issues at Mt. Pleasant, I am confident that there has been movement on many fronts.

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  1. Pattye, you give the supervisors too much credit. They have known about the problems in Mt. Pleasant for years – they just made the decision to ignore them. Can’t wait to see how Paul Olson spins his involvement on Monday night. What a joke.

  2. Pattye:

    Those are the key issues. I strongly commend you for your major role in bringing these issues to light and also for focusing on finding solutions, not pointing fingers at who, should have done what, in the past.

    An example of Community Matters at its best.

  3. Don’t hold your breath!

    Mr. Olson won’t feel obligated to spin anything on Monday night. And as we have seen, he does not apologize for any of his actions or inaction as supervisor. In his mind, we should all be deeply grateful he has given so much of his time and energies to this township over the years. And never with a personal or political agenda. No.

    If anyone is UNconcerned with Mount Pleasant’s fate as a family neighborhood with deep roots in this community, HE is. In his view ( and others?), let the redevelopment go forward! It will be good for SDGC and his like-minded constituents in that end of town.

  4. I second Mike’s comments — WHO CARES about blaming if the process is now in place to try to address it. While you may not like him,Olson was elected to the job. That means the people spoke. Maybe the next time people won’t take the right to vote so casually. Keep it going Pattye.

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