Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Mt. Pleasant Town Hall Meeting and TESD School Board Meeting Tonight!

The much anticipated Mt. Pleasant Town Hall meeting is tonight. This meeting has been a long time in the works; previously cancelled twice due to snow. The community meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church on Upper Gulph in Mt. Pleasant, 7 – 9 PM. Many of us have heard Christine Johnson at Board of Supervisors meeting speak passionately about issues facing her Mt. Pleasant neighborhood. Tonight should present an opportunity for residents of this panhandle community to voice their opinions and concerns.

Tredyffrin Township Police Officer Larry Meoli has help to organize this meeting with Mt. Pleasant residents. Attending the meeting will be members of the Board of Supervisors and representatives from the township staff, zoning and police departments. Liaisons from the Board of Supervisors will be supervisors DiBuonaventuro, Kichline and Richter. Having just recently written about the Sunshine Law, I now understand that if more than three supervisors attended tonight’s town hall meeting, that would be viewed as a violation. I will be attending the Mt. Pleasant meeting and look forward to the exchange of information. I will provide an update tomorrow on Community Matters.

Tonight is also the Tredyffrin Easttown School District monthly school board meeting. Here is the TESD agenda.The agenda is very detailed (117 pages). In reviewing the agenda, I did note the resolution from the school district in regards to the Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS). Much has been written about PSERS and the escalating associated costs; I am pleased to see that TESD is supporting pension reform in the state! (I am hopeful that my friend Ray Clarke will be attend tonight’s TESD meeting and will provide his remarks.)

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  1. John:

    In another thread, you mentioned that you are working on the campaign of another candidate in the 157th race. Which candidate?

    You are in favor of full and fair disclosure, right?

  2. Pattye – sorry, but I’m up to my knees in stripped wallpaper tonight! Hopefully if anything momentous happens, your other regular readers and TESD attendees will comment.

    Thanks to Mike for posting the WSJ link. It doesn’t address PA specifically, but my guess is that the underfunding applies here, too, even with the upcoming huge increase in contributions. (I note that the author used the same 4.5% discount rate as I did in a recent comment!).

    TESD, like many School Boards, is staking out a position with the legislature. Bottom line, though, however we pay it, the money for this massive liability will have to come from taxpayer pockets one way or another.

    Perhaps the only realistic solution is for the federal government to engineer a large dose of inflation which will eventually help stock prices, but will keep liabilities fixed in dollar terms (if defined benefit pensions are not cost-of-living adjusted). Investors need to be on their toes.

    (It almost goes without saying that benefits for future public sector employees will also have to be scaled back).

    Unlike Greece, we have our own currency, and thus more flexibility, but less discipline.

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