Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Tredyffrin Board of Supervisors Meeting, 2-8-10 . . . YouTube Video Part III: Citizen John Petersen

The next to take his turn to present comments was John Petersen. The audience witnessed an amazing exchange between John and Chairman Lamina and Supervisor Kampf. John attempted to ask questions of the supervisors but was quickly interupted by Lamina and Kampf. It was obvious that they had come to the meeting prepared to ‘take John on’ . It appeared to me that Lamina and Kampf were not about to let John make his comments without intervention. Although John tried to ‘plow’ on through, at one point Lamina is heard to say that John would not be allowed to speak again. The behaviour of these 2 elected officials calls in to question a citizens right to freedom of speech.

The interchange between John and Lamina and Kampf is one that all residents need to watch; YouTube video clip, Part III: Citizen John Petersen

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  1. John
    I just watched this — and want to thank you for trying to take this on — I do think you made your point abundantly clear. But I also hope (I sound like a mother here) that you learned a lesson about putting things in writing that you don’t want printed out and referenced. Your “F” blog and some of your personal attacks on this board only serve to diminish your value. Make your points — but when you are venting, be sure and avoid the “submit comment” part of the rant. Your mind is too valuable and your analysis too insightful to be dismissed because sometimes your temper makes you seem crazy — and sound bites are all that the voting majority care about. Kampf knows that — and that’s why he took you on. Having you walk up to confirm your “F” comments was his moment of domination — however pathetic to those of us watching. Ultimately, absent someone watching the video, Lamina and Kampf didn’t answer the question….so they used your “profanity” to avoid a response. Something to ponder. Never carry a weapon — your enemy can grab it and shoot you. Just carry information — your enemy doesn’t want that to see the light of day.

  2. Unfortunately John, “no answer” is not a sound bite…memories are short in regards to silence…no one will quote Warren as saying nothing….
    Don’t make it lively — make it cogent.

  3. John
    Be careful — as your legitimacy lies in information — not in personally looking to take out Warren. He may be over his head and not worthy of going forward, but I don’t think he’s nearly the shark or the old boy that L&O are…he doesn’t need sympathy to add to his quiver.

  4. This article was in the Daily Local last week (before Kampf’s performance at the last Board of Supervisor meeting). This Saturday the Republican Committee will decide whether they give Kampf their endorsement. Let’s hope that the Republicans have been watching what is going on in Tredyffrin and make their choice accordingly.

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