Pattye Benson

Community Matters

TTRC Chair CT Alexander Updates on Contributions; Bill DeHaven Responds

As I mentioned in yesterday’s posting, I was going to contact TTRC Chair CT Alexander concerning his organization’s pledge to the firefighters. Mr. Alexander responded to my request with the following information. Based on his email (and my math), it would appear that the Berwyn Fire Company has received $4,325 from the TTRC, with the remaining $675 expected by the end of February. One question I neglected to ask Mr. Alexander but I guess that it does not matter — what exactly the $5,000 in matching funds meant; matching to what?

” . . . I am posting today a letter with three more checks to Rip Tilden. Of the $5,000 pledged by individuals, so far all but $675 has been paid in, with “checks in the mail” to me of an additional $500. I have but $175 to collect. My goal is to get that amount to the Fire Company by February 28th. . . “

For those of you who did not see Bill DeHaven’s comments to Mr. Alexander’s letter to the editor, here they are. I just love Bill’s community spirit and humor! And it’s good to know that he has not beaten any horse, dead or alive! I have watched Bill and Dan’s Good, Bad & Ugly show in question and as far as I could tell those remarks related to the negative campaign mailers were made immediately following the election, back in November. Also to set the record straight, Mr. Alexander’s letter to the editor stated that he personally signed the ePetition in support of the reinstatement of the firefighter’s budget cut . . . however, no one can seem to find his name on the list. The only other loose end is an update from Supervisor Olson (on the total contributions to date) which I hope to have before Monday night’s Board of Supervisor meeting.

Bill, on January 14th, 2010 at 5:35 pm

  • Never have i beaten any horse, alive or dead. Can’t see the connection between the cardboard check and the stupid republican mail piece. The show on which we discussed that was taped in November. Didn’t mention the petition on the GB&U but did send an e-mail to all local addresses including Mr. Alexander with the petition address asking recipients to please read and sign.

    Local Fire Companies should be funded by tax dollars when necessary. Firefighters should not have to raise money. This is a volunteer position that requires significant training and 24hr. coverage.

  • As part of the above: Mr. Alexander was contacted before this post. He will continue to assist B.F.C. raise money and stands by his comments.

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    1. Pattye,

      Glad you clarified the GB&O air date. I am a regular viewer, and that November taping was the only one I remember.

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