Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Main Line Suburban Discusses Tredyffrin's Budget and St. Davids Golf Club Offer

In today’s edition of the Main Line Suburban, there are 2 articles on Tredyffrin Township’s Board of Supervisor meeting. Budget Woes Causing Stir in Tredyffrin article primarily discusses the Tredyffrin’s draft budget cut of 5% to the local fire companies. Other local municipalities, including Easttown and Willistown, are keeping their contribution levels the same in their respective 2010 budgets. We are all keenly aware of Easttown’s financial situation so it is interesting to note their fire company contribution level will remain constant. For those that did not see Monday night’s Board of Supervisor meeting, and are interested in this specific element of the budget, please read the article. I do want to better understand the fire company budget and plan on giving that a closer look in the next few days. In addition, the library cuts need to be reviewed. I continue to have grave concerns about the Paoli Library and its future in the community. I would like to explore that topic further in an upcoming posting.

Apparently, my bringing up the alleged St. Davids Golf Club $50K offer (included in the BAWG report) at the Board meeting has spurred further discussion. Questions Surround Golf Club’s Role in Tredyffrin Township Budget surfaced in the Main Line Suburban as an additional article related to Tredyffrin Township’s Board of Supervisor meeting.

Just to set the record straight, the reason I brought up the offer at Monday night’s meeting was not to discredit the BAWG report or its committee. Actually, just the contrary. I know several BAWG committee members – they are really good, caring individuals who gave a tremendous amount of time to this project. I just firmly believe that this alleged St. Davids Golf Club offer had no business in the report. If neither the supervisors nor the BAWG committee knew where the St. Davids offer came from, or from whom it came, than why should it remain in the report? I wanted one of 2 things to happen — (1) In the internal review process of the BAWG’s report, a request by the Township Solicitor, Township Manager or Supervisors to remove the offer from the report or (2) at Monday’s meeting, the motion to accept the BAWG report should have included the stipulation that the St. Davids offer be removed from the document.

If the report had just been given to the township as suggestions from a group of voluteers, I would not have been as troubled. The motion to accept the report as an official public document is where the line in the sand was drawn for me. If this report is to be official in the archives of the township, than I think we need full disclosure as to all of its contents, including the alleged St. Davids Golf Club’s cash offer of $50K not to build the sidewalk.

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