Pattye Benson

Community Matters

A New Beginning

Life is about facing challenges and obstacles.  How we face those challenges and how we get to the other side is what makes the journey all the more interesting.  My latest challenge was the election and how I would get to the other side.  I may have lost the election but this past 9 months confirmed my commitment to the community.  I remain committed that our community needs to be represented and needs to have a voice. The voter turnout for this recent election was very low, probably somewhere between 20-25% of the registered voters.  It will be those people that came out and voted that will be deciding our future.  This still leaves about 75-80% of our registered voters, plus many more unregistered voters whose voice will not be ‘technically heard’. 
Which brings me to the point of this blog entry.  I made a decision today.  I have decided to continue my blog – obviously no longer as a candidate but as a person who believes that community matters.  I have discovered that I enjoy writing and now this will allow me a vehicle to comment.  My comments will not be about politics, because as we now know — I’m no politician.  I was involved in the community with all my activities before and during the campaign and I am now picking up where I dropped off.  Going forward, I will comment on community activities, events and people as I feel appropriate.
For me, getting past the challenge of last week’s election, means becoming proactive.  Proactive will take the form of writing on this blog.
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