Pattye Benson

Community Matters

tree planting

Saturday, October 14 — Antiquing & Planting Trees in Tredyffrin’s Great Valley

If you are looking for something to do this Saturday, October 14th there’s a couple of events in the Great Valley section of Tredyffrin Township that you may find of interest.

Polly Hagan Antiques will hold its annual Fall Barn Sale (9 AM – 3 PM) on Saturday and will feature primitives, collectibles and antiques. The barn is full so come early for the best selection. Located 1 mile west of N. Valley Road, the Barn Sale address is 2205 Yellow Springs Road, Malvern. For questions/information call 610-209-4618.


Saturday will be a beautiful autumn day with temperatures in the 70’s – a great day to get outside and help Open Land Conservancy with its tree planting. The Conservancy is restoring the riparian buffer along Valley Creek and Cedar Hollow Run in the Cedar Hollow Preserve by planting 750 native trees.

When: Saturday October 14th, 9:00am – noon or until we’re done
Where: Cedar Hollow Preserve, 1635 Church Road, Malvern (Preserve icon on Google Maps)
What to wear: Temperature appropriate clothing, sturdy footwear, gloves
What to bring: Shovel, trowel, mallet

Important notes:
– Car Pool if you can, parking is limited
– We will plant in light rain, but in extreme weather will postpone to the following week-end.

The planting area was inundated with the invasive Phragmites Australis Giant Reed which had eliminated all native vegetation. This has been cleared to give an open planting zone with occasional wet spots, well suited for planting. We will be using container seedlings of 12 different wetland-suitable tree species, planted inside staked protective tubes, “vole guards” and “mulch plates” to keep the deer, mice and weeds at bay. Our community planting date will be preceded this week by a planting team from Siemens Healthcare.

As a reminder, the Conservancy is a non-profit, managed entirely by volunteers, supported by 500 members that owns and opens to the public six Nature Preserves here in Tredyffrin.

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