Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Southeastern Post Office

The Closing of Southeastern Post Office — Can that be Possible?

I received the following press release from State Rep. Paul Drucker’s office that suggests that the Southeastern Post Office may be on the chopping block to be closed. This is the post office that I regularly use and my the length of the customer lines, it would suggest that many residents use this post office. The press release says the post office system is consolidating — why, as a budget cut? Like I am doing, I suggest that you take 5 min. and send an email against the idea to close Southeastern Post Office.

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to help keep local post office open

The United States Postal Service is currently exploring the possibility of consolidating some of its mail processing operations in Philadelphia, the Lehigh Valley and surrounding areas.

Under this plan, the USPS is conducting a study as to whether the post office located at 1000 West Valley Road in Wayne, formally known as the Southeastern, PA Processing and Distribution Center, needs to stay operational.

I know that many of you use this location for your postal needs, and I would like you to have an opportunity to share your input. The USPS is currently soliciting public comment as part of the study process. The public’s comments will be thoroughly considered in any final determination.

Please send your comments to:
Donna Saulino
Customer Relations Coordinator
Philadelphia Metro Division – USPS

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