Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Phoenixville Township

PA State House 157 Race Adds Ken Buckwalter of Phoenixville

Ken Buckwalter of Phoenixville made his formal announcement in The Mercury that he is in race for the PA State House 157. To read the full article, Phoenixville Councilman Seeks GOP nomination for State House click here.Besides the many other accomplishments of Mr. Buckwalter (volunteer firefighter, Phoenixville councilman, businessman) his background includes an interesting twist,which caught my eye. Since 2006, Ken has been an active blogger; his blog Watching Phoenixville is dedicated to ‘Keeping an Eye on Phoenixville and the General Surrounds and Holding those in Leadership Positions Accountable’.

Yesterday, Ken highlighted my Community Matters in a post on Watching Phoenixville, as he compared Tredyffrin Township’s recent Board of Supervisor meeting to some of the past Phoenixville Council meetings. As a blogger, Ken has an interesting vantage point from which to launch his State House 157 campaign. In reading his blog post, Ken makes an interesting point, ” . . . it is important for candidates of an office and those who have been elected to office to understand those who put us in office deserve transparency and accountability of our actions. Citizen journalists and their following are watching and taking notes.”

From one blogger to another, I offer best wishes to Ken as he takes on this latest challenge.

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