Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Norman MacQueen

Paoli Transportation Center . . . “Top Priority for Willistown Township” so says Supervisor Norman MacQueen

As part of the update on the Paoli Transportation Center project, Norm MacQueen, the chair of Willistown Township’s Board of Supervisors, responded to my request – see his response below.

The success of the Paoli Transportation Center effort is dependent on the cooperation and good working relationship of staff and elected officials in Willistown and Tredyffrin townships. MacQueen’s message that the project continues to be a “top priority for Willistown Township” echos the sentiments of Tredyffrin’s supervisors.

Here’s hoping that the Paoli Transportation Center project starts picking up momentum to the finish line . . . !


I can’t speak to the projects in Downingtown and Ardmore, or how they might affect Paoli, but I can assure you that the Paoli Transportation Center remains a top priority for Willistown Township.

For the past few years our focus has been on drafting and adopting appropriate zoning; especially as it pertains to building height, density and infrastructure improvements. With much valuable feedback from our residents, I believe the ordinances we’ve crafted will serve the best interests of the community.

As far as a current update, I don’t have much to add beyond what you’ve heard from Representative Kampf and Supervisors Kichline and DiBuonaventuro. Most of the current action is on the Tredyffrin side of the township line with the route 252 and related traffic improvements.

Thank you and stay tuned.

Norman MacQueen

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