Pattye Benson

Community Matters


Greeted by Anti-Obama Demonstrators on the Lawn of the Southeastern Post Office

My outing to the Southeastern Post Office at noon today was much more than buying a few stamps. I was greeted by a couple of women on the front lawn of the post office with table, chairs, umbrellas and anti-Obama paraphernalia. I was intrigued by the situation and stopped for a 20-min. chat. These women (one African-American and the other white) were indeed passionate about their cause. I asked many questions and they were only too happy to respond.

They were from the national organization of [Lyndon] LaRouche Political Committee and they were out of the Upper Darby office. My first question was how could they be allowed on the lawn of a Federal building. They explained they could be there (1) because it was private property that the post office leased and (2) the 1st amendment gave them the right to free speech. They did go on to explain that they could not be next to the front door of the post office and hand out political information and they were not allowed to solicit (although I was asked to be on their mailing list, which I politely declined).

They told me that they have been going from post office to post office with their cause . . . I asked them what kind of response had they received in Tredyffrin. They replied, ‘very polarized’ and that they were looking for open minds. As we talked, cars would drive by and honk . . . I asked if honking meant that the drivers were supporting the ‘impeach Obama signs’ placed on the road. Not necessarily they explained; some of the drivers honked and gave a ‘thumbs up’ of support but other honkers screamed obscenities at them. While there, I witnessed several honkers in the screaming obscenity category.

I had heard of this LaRouche fellow (long, long ago – honestly, I thought it was in the Richard Nixon era) and frankly would have assumed the man had died. No, Mr. LaRouche is alive and apparently enjoying good health (based on photos, he appears to be in his 80’s).

The LaRouche supporters explained that their organization is endorsing 3 young candidates for US Congress – told me all about the 3 candidates and referred to the young people as the new leaders of tomorrow. LaRouche endorsed Congressional candidates are Kesha Rogers (TX – District 22), Rachel Brown (MA – District 4), and Summer Shields (CA – District 8). After researching the candidates, I found that Ms. Rogers won her primary on a platform, “Impeach Obama and Save NASA”. Rachel Brown is running a campaign against Barney Franks for his Congressional seat in Massachusetts (primary September 14) and Summer Shields is running in California for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s seat. After beating Pelosi as a write-in candidate, Sheilds intends to ” . . . orient California towards the newly emerging Pacific-centered civilization, turning San Francisco into the gateway to Lyndon LaRouche’s “Four Powers” — Russia, China, and India in partnership with the United States”. Interesting (?) group of young Congressional candidates. It was particularly important that the LaRouche supporters pointed out that 2 of these candidates were African-Americans (Rogers and Shields) and that they supported the ousting of President Obama.

Fascinated by my post office experience, I came home to research Lyndon LaRouche and discovered he doesn’t play political party favoritism when it comes to his desire to impeach presidents (past and present). Back on November 6, 2006 after watching the then President Bush give a press conference, LaRouche made the following remarks:

“Bush Press Conference shows total denial of reality; impeachment is the only option to save the country.” LaRouche described President Bush as “crazier than ever” and in a state of “total denial of reality,” on both the Iraq war and the collapsing U.S. real economy. “Both Bush and Cheney have got to be impeached at the earliest possible date. Otherwise the nation has no chance.”

After reading about the specific issues LaRouche had with former president Bush, I guess that I should not be surprised he would characterize President Obama as Hitler and call for his immediate impeachment with signs claiming ‘He’s Nuts’. LaRouche refers to the president’s health care plan as Obama’s Adolf Hitler Memorial Health Bill.

The women took my questions to mean that I was interested in their cause and were only too happy to oblige. They did ask if I was with the newspaper and I was briefly torn how much to say. In the end, I did tell them about Community Matters and gave my name when asked. If I was going to tell the story and use the photos, I felt an obligation to be honest.

So what did I learn from today’s experience . . . I guess I was just surprised. Surprised that this political organization could set up shop on the lawn of a Federal building. Surprised that this happened in Tredyffrin Township. And regardless of political affiliations, I guess surprised (and distressed) by the defacing of our president’s photo with the addition of a mustache and referring to him as Hitler.

I’ll be thinking about today for a long time . . . .

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