Pattye Benson

Community Matters

deer shoot

Deer Hunt at Valley Forge National Historic Park Clears Latest Hurdle – Judge OKs Plans

The following AP news article was released yesterday . . . federal judge OKs plans for deer shoot next month. I appreciate that our area has a severe deer problem, that the deer shoot will be with sharpshooters, and will be conducted at night but still . . . I’m concerned about the safety of the neighboring residents. It is anticipated that 500 deer will be killed between November and March.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge has approved plans to use sharpshooters to cull the bulging deer population at Valley Forge National Historical Park.

Wednesday’s decision rejects a lawsuit filed by several animal-rights groups.The National Park Service plans to begin the nighttime hunt next month.

U.S. District Judge Mitchell Goldberg says it’s clear the park is overrun with white-tail deer, causing damage to the park’s vegetation and habitat. Goldberg says there’s no evidence the park service decision was capricious or arbitrary.

Animal-rights activists say the park should be maintained by natural means, including one suggestion to use coyotes to maintain the deer population.

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