Pattye Benson

Community Matters

Save Ardmore Coalition's Readers are Now Following Supervisors Lamina, Kampf, Olson & Richter!

Save Ardmore Coalition is following Tredyffrin’s Lamina, Kampf, Olson and Richter. Yes, our own YouTube stars are playing to a larger audience — the Board of Supervisors meeting clips are now on Save Ardmore Coalition’s website. I thank Carla for presenting our local stars with greater play time. And remember, Warren Kampf, one of the infamous ‘4’ is now in the race for State House 157. To go directly to the YouTube post on Save Ardmore Coalition site, click on this link:

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  1. This is great — the more people that see the video of the Board of Supervisor meeting, the better! Thank you Pattye for continuing the research on this subject.

  2. Can you believe that the TTRC voted overwhelmingly for Warren over Judy Wed. night? The TTRC ought to be taken out and tarred & feathered. What are they thinking???? Scuttlebut has it Guy was working behind the scenes pushing Judy’s supporters and anyone who’d listen to vote for Warren. I guess Guy hasn’t yet learned his lesson. If Warren wins over Ken Buckwalter @ the Chesco Convention ( I wouldn’t put it past Warren or Guy to pull a deal), or if they make it to the primary, Paul Drucker is going to have a field day!

  3. I doubt very much that Warren will win — I think there will be no endorsement and both will run. Then it will be up to someone to “back out” the way Judy did for Guy the last time around. Judy seems like a very nice person — and her demeanor in her time on the Supervisors was admirable. But nowadays, politics seems very backroom, and I doubt very much she has the stomach for these games. Warren has sold his soul for support — no way the man who first ran for Supervisor would so casually vote in favor of the money going to St. davids in a non-announced, non-vetted motion. He is a lawyer with some background that should have absolutely flashed a red light not to go forward without more information (not just old discussion about sidewalks) . But he needs Olson and Lamina to continue to support him — and to be on the “fiscal conservative” side. Doesn’t everyone go to Harrisburg telling us how much they will save the taxpayers? Sort of a tiring rant.
    So I think you should take a look at Ken B — who lives in Phoenixville I think, but used to have a business in Tredyffrin. He seems authentic — but obviously has the stomach for these games or he wouldn’t try to penetrate the Tredyffrin control of this process. I wish the world was a place people like Judy could flourish — but even in her last days on the BOS, it seemed that she was marginalized. It’s an Old Boys Network — and if you aren’t like EJ, the Old Boys don’t play nicely with you.

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